WORKSHOP –  Multichannel in Contact Centers

While in the past customer service solely took place on the phone and even earlier by mail, today open-minded consumers command a variety of contact options which are all gladly accepted. Direct communication via phone between customer and provider still plays an important role. However, especially in the case of complaints or even escalations customers make use of creative ways of contacting. The same applies to hotlines with a long holding time until the call is answered or overpriced service hotlines.

The workshop “Multichannel im Contact Center” highlights which specific communication channels are being used today, provides suggestions for the use of the right tools and shows with the help of examples how good and bad customer communication currently looks like.

Over the course of one day the workshop shows you how to optimally actualize your customer service and what you need to look out for. In this process – rather than the creation of a customer defense system – the fast and case closing contacts are in the foreground.




03-26-2012, 10am. – 6pm.

The workshop is hosted by the Call Center Club. Here you will find information for download!

Registration here via XING or individually via email to


  • regular workshop price 980€

  • special reduced price for the Call Center Club members only 490€.

The price includes the specialist book voice compass – (R)Evolution in der Kundenkommunikation (price 189€)

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