5 questions on UCC
Mr. Artelt, by means of the following questions, we would like to know how established Unified Communications & Collaborations are within the German market?
Which communication channels do corporations nowadays apply as standard?
What are the major challenges in the field of UC?
What can good presence management achieve?
UC is a basic requirement for mobile working. But how is this mobility being used?
UC in the cloud – how mature is it really?
Read the answers on the voice+ip’s website following the link
One more question
Mr. Artelt, you are the keynote speaker and moderator of the panel “Unified Communication & Collaboration“ on the coming Voice + IP. What will professional visitors learn here?
They learn how companies today can efficiently communicate across all communication channels – from both the supplier’s and a neutral consultant’s point of view. For the panel we teamed the most significant players in the field of UCC-systems, such as Siemens, Microsoft, Avaya and Swyx. They will present concrete solution statements and visualize them by means of best practice examples. In a subsequent panel discussion diverse aspects will controversially be discussed. Whoever seeks input and inspiration in the area of UCC will be in the right place!
Opening hours of the fair
The Voice+IP is open on Thursday, October 30th, 2012, from 10am to 9pm. As of 6pm there will be a get-together at Voice+IP. On the second day, Wednesday, October 31th, 2012, the fair is open from 10am to 5pm.
aixvox treats you to the ticket!
We look forward to your attendance at our booth A10.
Click here for your free fair ticket.
For a hall plan please refer to the Voice+IP website.
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