At the CallCenterWorld 2012 customer services will be focused on! In order to enable this service, solutions and their “benefits need to be explained in an easily understandable way”. The aixvox consultants know the countless products of the providers as well as the successful approaches and impart the required knowledge at workshops, seminars and individual trainings.
Booth 1A11
At the aixvox booth, attendants of the CallCenterWorld learn how to implement innovative solutions (e.g. in the field of speech technology, text-to-speech or Unified Communications) in order to render the communication within the corporation more efficient. In what way, for instance, can you considerably increase staff productivity in a call center by means of new solutions? How can you use UC as SAAs cost-efficiently and what are the benefits? Those and many more questions will be answered by the aixvox team not only at our booth but also during guided tours.
Guided Tours Unified Communications
This year, as in the years before, UC-expert Detlev Artelt will be in charge of the guided tours on the topic of Unified Communications. In the context of the tours he will introduce various UC-appraoches, solutions and the variety of new communication functions. Examples to this will be provided by national and international exhibitors who have previously applied for the tours.
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Specialist book series „PRAXISTIPPS Kundenkommunikation“
“Benefits easily explained” is yet again the motto of the current PRAXISTIPPS Kundenkommunikation. The compact work shows on the basis of 50 concrete and easily readable examples what is already possible in the area of internal and external communication today and what companies will be implementing tomorrow. Every attendant of the guided tours and visitors to our booth will receive a copy of the current issue (german only). If you don’t have the chance to drop by personally, you can download the new e-book of the PRAXISTIPPS from the beginning of march on or use it as a mobile app.
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