What does a yacht charter company have to do with speech recognition, why does a dentist need Unified Communications and how can you by little changes render contact centers more efficient?
These and many more questions you will find answered in our new PRAXISTIPPS Kundenkommunikation which has just been released. The 50 new application examples highlight various areas of communication. Some report on the successful adoption of Unified Communications and Collaboration solutions in companies, others refer to Social Media, Cloud-Computing or speech biometrics.
What they all have in common: They show by means of practical success stories how even the slightest changes in day-to-day business operations, e.g. the introduction of new software or the use of new headsets, can optimize communication processes. Time stealing factors like the popular ping-pong playing on answering machines will be eliminated: In favor of an effective time management, optimum communication and satisfied customers.
PRAXISTIPPS Kundenkommunikation allows for everyone to realize which modifications in the field of communication are the most expedient and profitable for individual corporations. The publication is available commercially or online, for instance via the voice compass bookshelf app at the price of 8,90 €. Also, our voice compass team distributes the paperback on numerous events, such as the CRM-expo or the Voice + IP.
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