Under the heading “Unified Communications – kostenfrei kennenlernen” the UC-specialist Swyx offers as of October 16th a threepart webinar series for end customers. Course instructor of the webinars will be author, consultant and UC-expert Detlev Artelt
The UC-webinar plan at a glance:
“The coordinated webinars overview the subject UC and depict the advantages and benefits of an expedient mix of communication channels”, it says in the presentation’s advance notice. Moreover, they procure useful practical tips for different scopes of application and settings in companies. Course instructor will be UC-expert Detlev Artelt, editor and author of the specialist book series “voice compass”.
Harald Bender, VP Marketing at Swyx Solutions: “Business companies of all sizes profit by this webinar series offered for the first time. Subscribers can comprehensively catch up on increasingly important communication topics like UC and come by tips which have individually and accurately been tailored to their specific professional surroundings. In addition, we are highly pleased to have teamed up with high-class UC-expert Detlev Artelt – senior executive of the group of experts Unified Communications at the eco-Association and specialized speaker of our webinars.”
1. From telephone systems to Unified Communications
Which functions of a new communication system do you need to look out for? The “mere” telecommunication system is extinct – long live the mix of communication channels! But which channels are relevant for your company?
From telephone systems to corporation-wide communication platforms.
Communicating with people instead of dialing numbers.
What is Unified Communications?
Involving mobile staff members.
Date: October 16th, 2012: 4-5pm / October 25th, 2012: 10-11am
2. Save time and expenses – efficiently manage your own availability
You can minimize the waste of time that you face when you can’t get hold of someone through the concept of “presence management”. What does that mean for my company? The greatest benefits of UC can be gained by integrating it into business processes, but what does that mean for the staff and which cutting points need to be provided?
Visualizing availability across locations.
Integrating processes into communication.
Call forwarding via calendar integration.
Date: October 23th, 2012: 4-5pm / October 25th, 2012: 4-5pm.
3. Online Collaboration
You can save a lot of time with customers, suppliers and partners – if you use new collaboration tools. What are the requirements and which settings are most suitable?
Working in dispersed teams.
Video and conferences.
Jointly work on documents faster.
Date: November 2nd, 2012: 10-11pm / November 9th, 2012: 10-11pm
You can register on www.swyx.com
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