Free events of the voice compass media partner WZN in Hamburg


At the Communications & Collaboration Tour 2012 of our media partner Wissenszentrum Networking (WZN) you are provided with an overview of the strategies of different manufacturers and innovations in the field of modern corporate communication!

The referees are from the companies Aspiria, Aurenz, CTModule, ExperTech, Jabra, Nextragen, Ferrari and present the visitors with selected subjects on current approaches and solutions in communication.


PRAXISTIPPS Kundenkommunikation by Detlev Artelt

All attendants will additionally get a copy of the pocket book “PRAXISTIPPS Kundenkommunikation” written by Detlev Artelt and the voice compass team.

On the basis of various examples from different sectors, the compact paperback shows what the application of innovative solutions and modern technology already renders possible today and what you subsequently can adopt tomorrow.

A total of 50 useful tips from all areas of communication top off the knowledge transfer of the Communications & Collaboration Tour. Following the event, the experts will be available for your questions in an open discussion.


08:45 Registration  
09:00 Address of welcome  
09:15 Swiss Integrated Unified Communications CTModule
09:45 VOIP und IPTV „Die Frischware im Netz“ (VOIP and IPTV „Fresh goods on the net“) Nextragen
10:15 Intermission  
10:30 ITK-Kennzahlen bringen Transparenz in Ihre Kommunikation (ITC-codes bring transparence to your communication) Aurenz
11:00 TiM – Modular Simpleness Aspiria
10 Gründe für das Fax (Reasons for fax)
12:15 Geförderte UC-Trainings für den Mittelstand (Promoted UC-training for medium-sized businesses) ExperTeach
12:45 Get in Contact & Snacks  

We cordially invite you to the free event! (The number of places is limited).

Place: Hamburg

ExperTeach Training Center Hamburg/Center

Esplanade 6

20354 Hamburg


Tue. 9-25-2012 Start: 8.45am


On the website of our media partner Wissenszentrum Networking you can easily apply for the event.

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