Call Center Innovations Tour 2013 boosts innovative thoughts!

Upcoming june the Call Center Innovations Tour (CCIT) opens its doors for the 7th time! In 2013 the CCIT woos its visitors with three compact conference days on three different dates  in some of Germany’s loveliest cities:  Hamburg, Düsseldorf and Stuttgart.

Tour Information

The tour starts on July 4th in Hamburg – no, not at the harbour as some of you might think, but at the „winged“ complement.  With its miniature version of  HAM placed in the middle of the conference room, the airport in Hamburg features an extraordinary location for such an event. Fortunately you dont have to traverse seven bridges to discover the gorgeous second location. Crossing the pedestrian bridge at Düsseldorf airport on June 11th you will automatically arrive at the meeting room of this year’s CCIT. For anyone who is interested in architecture -> Stuttgart airport is the place to be on June 17th. This is the last date where you can be part of the Call Center Innovations Tour 2013.

Giving „wings“ to innovative thoughts of laymen and experts in the Call Center industry originates from teams by ASC telecom AG, CreaLog and InVision. Call Center Manager will tell success stories taken from their daily life and how they remarkably improved their company’s performance by using innovative technologies. Many presentations in the field of personnel deployment planning, quality management and solutions for multichannel in Contact Centers extend the interesting exhibition area. Often the presentors are direct customers – and not the product distributors – so that interested visitors get firsthand accounts! Certanly there will be some time for continuative exchange between all participating parties.

Free PRAXISTIPPS for each visitor

In addition, each participant will get an exemplar of  „PRAXISTIPPS Kundenkommunikation“ by the voice compass team, aixvox GmbH. In this paperbook you’ll find 50 current examples about improving a companys’s communication – internal and external of course. The publication is written in understandable words (german only, sorry) by well-known worldwide companies. Best part of it:  The whole lot of new ideas and informations about trends and technology in the area of customer communication are given to CCIT guests for free!

loans for bad

Take part in the event?

Anyone who likes getting inspired by innovative ideas, tips&tricks concerning processes in Call Centers or by brink presentations on one of the three days ->  use the free registration. Attention, the number of participants is limited, so save your seat soon and have an optimal event  – guided airport tour inclusive!
* June 4th ->  Hamburg
* June 11th -> Düsseldorf
* June 17th -> Stuttgart
For current informationen concerning the program visit: CCIT Website

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