by Detlev Artelt | Okt. 23, 2012 | Allgemein
5 questions on UCC Mr. Artelt, by means of the following questions, we would like to know how established Unified Communications & Collaborations are within the German market? Which communication channels do corporations nowadays apply as standard? What are the...
by Detlev Artelt | Okt. 5, 2012 | Allgemein
This year again, at the symposium of the Voice + IP, industry experts from economy, science and federations will be present to answer any questions the visitors might have on topics like unified communications, Saas or VoIP. In collaboration with the eco association...
by Detlev Artelt | Mai 25, 2012 | Allgemein
< CallCenter SQUT 02/12 Visiting a trade fair can be an information and sensory overload. Once you've left the event, however, the feeling grows that you have not found or seen anything of importance. But how to find the right contacts in the brief period of time...
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