by Detlev Artelt | Okt. 8, 2013 | Allgemein
Flexible working with a cloud-based communication? Is this the future of work or just the idea of the manufacturer? In a round of high-profile independent consultants, Detlev Artelt will discuss these questions with representatives from Microsoft (Mark Weisbrod) ,...
by Detlev Artelt | Okt. 5, 2012 | Events
Auf der Fachkonferenz der Voice + IP stehen den Besuchern auch in diesem Jahr wieder Branchenexperten aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Verbänden Rede und Antwort zu Themen wie Unified Communication, Saas oder auch VoIP. Für den zweiten Tag der Voice + IP ist in...
by Detlev Artelt | Okt. 5, 2012 | Allgemein
This year again, at the symposium of the Voice + IP, industry experts from economy, science and federations will be present to answer any questions the visitors might have on topics like unified communications, Saas or VoIP. In collaboration with the eco association...
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