In line with the bachelor’s degree program Service Center Management, the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlands (HTW) (Univeristy of Applied Sciences of Saarland) offers the block “Service Center Technik” (Service Center Technology) as a detached workshop including a certificate. Associate lecturer will be Detlev Artelt, giving away his specialist book and well-proven groundwork “R(E)volution in der Kommunikation” to every participant.
For Practitioners
The service center sector records a consistent growth. The demand of managers and executive employees is accordingly high. Not only do they have to face up to the day-to-day needs of customers and co-workers but they also have to know the state-of-the-art technology so they can work efficiently.
In order to provide practitioners with the opportunity to acquire those competences within a short space of time and to ideally equip them for executive functions in service centers, workshops are being offered.
Workshop with certificate
The event will be offered for the first time in August/September 2012 and takes place at the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes (University of Applied Sciences) in Quierschied. Registration is possible as of now under
The workshop is part of the degree program Service Center Management and can also be booked exclusively by external attendants. Following the successful participation in all four in-class lectures and the final examination, all attendants will receive a certificate.
Degree program – Service Center Management
The bachelor’s degree program Service Center Management is offered by the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes (HTW) (University of Applied Sciences) through the Institut für Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung (Department for Scientific Further Education) and in cooperation with their practice partner, the CallCenter Akademie Saarland GmbH since 2010 and enjoys great popularity.
The program aims to develop the students‘ competences combined with practical know-how. Therefore, experienced university lecturers will be supported by practiced professionals like Detlev Artelt, Niclas Bychowski, Manuel Schindler and Harald Henn.
The course specialization comprises Service Center specific modules from the areas personnel, law, technology and project management. Moreover, foreign-language and rhetorical skills as well as the personal and social competence will be delved into. The concept of distance study of the HTW allows to study alongside the job. Phases of classroom teaching of the program are carried out in the form of weekend seminars in Saarbrücken. The integration of business projects makes it possible to credit accomplishments that have been achieved at work as program achievements. This secures the practically oriented implementation of the theoretical knowledge acquired.
Further information
For further information on the workshop and the degree program please refer to: